A branded wooden box containing 10 hand rolled Honduran Cigars
Plasencia Cigars Since 1865 Plasencia have been mastering the art of tobacco growing and cigar craftsmanship. From the rich fields of Cub to the sun blessed soil of Nicaragua and Honduras. For 5 generations, the finest tabaquero tradition has been rolled into every cigar that bears their name.
Plasencia Cosecha 149 The Cosecha 149 commemorates the 149th harvest of 2014 and is a unique blend of their best aged tobaccos grown in the highest quality soils that accentuates their bold and vibrant flavours. All leaves where grown in the fertile regions of Olancho, the Jamastran Valley amd Talango and have been aged for a minimum of 8 years to accentuate the flavours giving these cigars a deep, well fermented flavour that is bursting with creamy dark chocolate and earthy hints of cedar
Preparation: Please note the Plasencia are a hand rolled Cigar and therefore require cutting before the cigar can be enjoyed.