< Cigars

Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are world-renowned for their exceptional quality, rich flavours, and craftsmanship. Made from premium tobacco grown in Cuba's fertile Vuelta Abajo region, they offer a smooth, complex smoking experience. Known for their distinct earthy and spicy notes, Cuban cigars are highly sought after by aficionados. Their hand-rolled construction and tradition of excellence make them a symbol of luxury and prestige in the cigar world.

Cuban cigars, often shrouded in romanticised myths, are crafted with meticulous care and expertise, but the notion that they are rolled on a maiden's thigh is purely a myth. In reality, these premium cigars are hand-rolled by skilled artisans known as torcedores, who employ traditional techniques passed down through generations. Each cigar is carefully constructed in a controlled environment, ensuring optimal humidity and temperature to maintain the integrity of the tobacco. The process involves selecting the finest tobacco leaves, followed by a series of intricate steps that include bunching, rolling, and finishing. This dedication to craftsmanship results in the rich, complex flavours and smooth draws that Cuban cigars are celebrated for, solidifying their reputation as some of the finest cigars in the world.