La Aurora Cigars La Aurora was founded back in 1903 by Eduardo Leon Jimines, a visionary who saw the potential of cigar manufacturing in the Dominican Republic. Under his leadership, La Aurora became one of the very first factories to produce premium cigars in the country, contributing significantly to the development of the Dominican cigar industry. La Aurora has always been at the forefront of innovation in the cigar industry. They were among the first to introduce tobacco fermentation in the Dominican Republic, a process that greatly enhanced the flavor and quality of their cigars. This dedication to quality and innovation has earned them a respected place in the global cigar market. La Aurora remains a family-owned company to this day. The Leon family's commitment to producing exceptional cigars has been passed down through generations, preserving the company's legacy of quality and craftsmanship.
Principes Claro Cigars Claro Robusto is a finely-crafted cigar that embodies the essence of a classic, medium-bodied smoke in a robusto format. With its superb construction and captivating flavor profile, this cigar is a testament to the expertise and tradition of La Aurora, one of the oldest and most respected names in the world of premium cigars. Visually, the La Aurora Principes Claro Robusto is a testament to simplicity and elegance. Its light, golden Claro wrapper exudes a soft, silky appearance that hints at the mild and approachable smoking experience it promises. With its mild to medium body and well-balanced flavor profile, this cigar is ideal for a morning or afternoon smoke, complementing a variety of beverages or simply being savored on its own. It offers a classic and dependable smoking experience that showcases La Aurora's dedication to quality and craftsmanship.
Loose boxed: The La Aurora cigars are packaged loose in a Cedar Box The cigars are kept in our humidors until dispatch and preferably should be stored in a humidor as soon as you receive them. If you are planning on smoking them within a couple of weeks the cigars should be okay as long as they are kept in a cool dark place.
Preparation: Please note the La Aurora cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.