A Single Cellophane Wrapped Hand Rolled Cigar
Diamond Crown Cigars: Diamond Crown Maduro Cigars are a super premium brand hand made in the Dominican Republic under direct supervision of Carlos Fuente Jr. for J.C. Newman who have been making cigars for over a century. Consistently scoring in the 90's by Cigar Aficionado Magazine these cigars live up to their name and have been smoked by Kings, World Leaders and cigar lovers of every level for the past 2 decades. They feature premium aged tobacco that gives off an exceptional burn and flavour profile. Each cigar is aged in lots of 50 in cedar curing rooms for a minimum of 12 months.
Diamond Crown Maduro Figurado No.6: The Figurado No.6 are hand rolled with a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper and a delicious blend of aged Dominican filler and binder tobaccos. This beautifully constructed cigar delivers a complex flavour package. This creamy smoke has notes of pepper and almond accompanied by oak, leather, citrus and vanilla.
Preparation: The Diamond Crown Maduro are a medium strength cigar, with an outstanding amount of flavour. They are a premium hand-rolled cigar and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.