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Davidoff Signature No.2 Tubos (Single Tubed Cigar)

  • Length: 153mm
  • Gauge: 38
  • Flavour: Mild
  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Cuban Seed Dominican
  • Filler: Cuban Seed Dominican
  • Individually Tubed
  • Hand Rolled
  • Dominican

A single Cigar presented in it's own Aluminium tube.

Davidoff Cigars: Davidoff has an unsurpassed worldwide reputation for producing some of the finest Cigars in the world. The story began in 1906 when the iconic Zino Davidoff was born into a family with a long history in the tobacco trade. His passion and enthusiasm turned his family's modest Tobacconist shop in Switzerland into a cosmopolitan hotspot drawing many A list celebrities through the door as he re-wrote the manual for the Cigar market. Before Zino Davidoff the humidor did not exist!!

In 1967 Zino Davidoff set the Cigar World alight (see what we did there) by teaming up with the Cubans and developing the davidoff cuban line which gave Cuban Cigars the reputation they still enjoy today. However being so fanatical about his brand the relationship crumpled over quality issues as he publicly burned 100,000 Cigars rather than sell them. He moved production to the Dominican where he believed the quality of rolling was far superior. It is widely recognised that this influence is the reason why Dominican Cigars are the No.1 selling Cigars in the world.

For 2016 there are fresh rumours that Davidoff is going to reintroduce the Davidoff cuban line under strict conditions. One thing we can be sure if is that we will never see them if the quality doesn’t match the standards of Davidoff.

Davidoff Signature No.2: The Davidoff Signature is rolled using a higher percentage of Piloto Cuban seed tobaccos, which have been aged for a minimum of four years. The Cigar provides bold coffee and wood notes and creamy aftertaste as delivered in the timeless Panatela format.

Awards: * 89/100 by Cigar Aficionado. ”A healthy-looking cigar with a consistent brown wrapper and even burn. The smoke is cedary and spicy with slight leather notes and a short finish"

Aluminium Hydration Tube: The Davidoff Signature No.2 Tubos range are supplied in a unique Cedar lined Aluminium tube which help protect the cigars delicate wrapper and retain the moisture in the cigar. The Cedar lining helps develop the flavour meaning your cigar can be ageing for a few years while you await that special occasion. Unique to Davidoff the tubes have a slit down one side. Twist the inner tube until the slits line up for storage in the humidor and your Cigar is able to breath and age without having to remove it from the tube.

Preparation: Please note the Davidoff Cigars are premium hand rolled cigars and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.

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