A single cellophane wrapped hand rolled Cigar!
Charatan Cigars: A superb quality Cigar brand produced by British American Tobacco specifically aimed at the UK Cigar market to suit British tastes. Unfortunately the UK Cigar market is heavily affected by taxation which means UK smokers desire a quality hand rolled Cigar without the hefty price tag. Charatan is an excellent quality Cigar that boasts unrivaled value for money and actions speak louder than words. It is the No.1 hand rolled New World Cigar brand in the UK.
Charatan has a subtle blend of Seco Ligero and Volado filler leaves, bound with an Indonesian binder from Besuki and wrapped with shade grown Java, which give the Cigars a light to medium flavour, taste and aroma.
Loose boxed single Cigar: The Charatan Cigars are normally packaged loose in boxes of 25’s. We will mail a single cigar in a cardboard sleeve surrounded by protective packaging. The cigar should be enjoyed within a few days or kept in a humidor to ensure its condition and enjoyment.
Preparation: Please note the Charatan Cigars are premium hand rolled cigars and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed.
NOTICE: This site contains images of tobacco.
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We regret that due to new credit card rules we can no longer ship tobacco leaf products to the USA
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