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Samuel Gawith Cob Plug Loose Pipe Tobacco

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  • Loose Packaged to order
  • Pressed Plug Blocks
  • Pipe Tobacco

Plug Tobacco: The Samuel Gawith Plug Tobacco comes in an un-prepared plug form. Plug blocks are cut from a cake, which is produced by fermenting tobacco leaves under immense pressure. A plug requires slicing and rubbing to prepare it for smoking. Leaving large slices or chunks will reduce the burn rate whilst thinner slices will provide a faster more intense burn. Due to the added fermentation process, plug tends to be full bodied and would only be recommended for the experienced smoker.

The Samuel Gawiths Cob Plug is a full flavoured Plug tobacco produced from Dark-fired leaf, which has been hot pressed and cut into a 6" block before adding a dressing of Tonquin and whisky. A full strength, full flavoured tobacco again not for the feint hearted! (You have been warned) We would not recommend this tobacco for the beginner!

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