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Players Blender's Highland Mixture Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco (40g)

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  • 40g Sealed Pouch
  • Ready Rubbed
  • Pipe Tobacco

Blender's Highland Mixture: We have been given no information from Imperial Tobacco as to why they have changed the name of this iconic Pipe Tobacco. All we know is that it was out of stock for a while then when it came in it was renamed, re-branded and had the new health warnings on the packet. We assume it is down to new EU legislation preventing tobacco having a flavour but this shouldn't have affected pipe tobacco. Has someone in Imperial Tobacco made a cock up?? Do they anticipate this will someday affect pipe tobacco?? Who Knows!! Anyway we have been informed that this is the same Tobacco as the Players Whiskey that many of you love.

Why buy this tobacco?? Erm well we've never been a bigger supporter of the global tobacco giants who manufacture this tobacco as they have never supported us so we have always encourage our customers to support more moral manufacturers. However as these tobaccos are now being delisted by the supermarkets we want to support our customers who want these brands. Hopefully in turn the tobacco giants will one day support the Specialist high street Tobacconists.

Description The Players Whiskey pipe tobacco has been blended using air cured Virginia tobaccos before a top dressing of Whiskey flavouring is added.

Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco: The Players Whiskey Pipe Tobacco is a ready rubbed tobacco blend. Ready rubbed tobacco is made up of loose strands and is ready for immediate use in the pipe with no preparation for added convenience and enjoyment.

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