A Single Loose Montecristo Open Eagle Cuban Cigar!
Montecristo cigars are by far the most popular cigar in our humidors. The consistent high quality, unique tobacco blend and renowned complex flavours intice avid smokers back for a Montecristo time and time again.
Montecristo Open Cigars: Montecristo is the most popular Cuban Cigar brands enjoying worldwide recognition and respect for it’s full bodied flavour and legendary Cuban character. The Montecristo factory goes from strength to strength and is often chosen to produce the limited edition and special series Cigars for Habanos SA. In 2011 Montecristo released a new style Montecristo named “Open” which provides a lighter bodied smoke than the standard range
Loose Boxed: When Montecristo package their cigars in 10's and 25's they are packaged loose in a Cedar lined box. This helps the cigars to develop and flavours to diffuse. They are stored in our humidors until dispatch and ideally should be transferred directly into a humidor. If you are buying them for a special occasion they should keep for up to a week in a cool, dark place.
Please note the Montecristo cigars require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed
Preparation: The Montecristo Open are a premium hand rolled Cigar which require cutting before the Cigar can be enjoyed.