A Stunning Luxury Wooden Box Containing 20 Hand Rolled Cigars
La Casa del Habanos La Casa del Habano is a worldwide network of premium cigar shops that specialize in selling authentic Cuban cigars. The first La Casa del Habano shop was opened in Cancun, Mexico, in 1990, and since then, the brand has expanded to over 150 stores in more than 70 countries. These shops are the official franchise of Habanos SA, the state-owned company that controls the production and distribution of Cuban cigars. As such, they offer a wide selection of premium cigars, including rare and limited edition releases, as well as exclusive cigars that are only available through La Casa del Habano shops. Overall, La Casa del Habano shops are considered the ultimate destination for cigar enthusiasts who seek the finest and most authentic Cuban cigars. They offer a unique and personalized shopping experience, a vast selection of premium cigars, and an ambiance that reflects the rich history and culture of Cuban cigar-making.
Partagas Cuban Cigars: Partagas Cigars were established in Havana in the year 1845 making it one of the oldest Cigar brands in the world and remains one of the most desirable ranges in the Cuban portfolio. They are well renowned for their rich, full bodied and earthy flavours.
Partagas Aliados Created in 2022 exclusively to the LCDH portfolio, the Aliados is a brand new vitola named "Delirios" and has a symphony of flavours that will send you into a state of delirium. Handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, It is a true masterpiece that captures the essence of premium cigar craftsmanship, From the first draw, you'll be greeted with an enticing complexity of flavours, featuring notes of earthy spices, dark chocolate, and hints of espresso. The medium-to-full-bodied profile showcases a harmonious balance between strength and smoothness, enticing both seasoned aficionados and those new to the world of premium cigars.