A Branded Box Containing 10 Cellophane Wrapped Hand Rolled Cigars
E P Carrillo Cigars: Ernesto Carrillo is somewhat of a pioneer in the Cigar world and has produced many award winning Cigars. You could be forgiven for dismissing their range of Cigars after eyeing up the inch series and thinking that they are mass market gimmicks but it couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is they listen to the consumer and armed with extensive experience in blending and rolling they created the inch series to satisfy the demand for large gauge Cigars of quality.
E P Carrillo Pledge Prequel Cigars: The Pledge Prequel is a Robusto cigar that has been dedicated to cigar aficionados to honour Perez Carrillo's 4 generations of family history in the cigar industry. His pledge to "never stop working with the best tobaccos and bringing new and innovative blends" is embodied in this beautifully constructed cigar. Featuring a complex blend of Nicaraguan filler and Ecuador Sumatran binder, expertly wrapped in a stunning oily Connecticut wrapper, this cigar is bursting with creamy wood and leather flavours with a long lasting black pepper spice and an underlying note of liquorice
Cellophane Wrapped Cigars: The E P Carrillo Pledge Cigars come individually wrapped. The cigars will stay fresh and ready to smoke for a while without the need for a humidor if kept in a dark cool place. If storing for longer than a week a humidor would be recommended.
Please note the E P Carrillo Cigars are a premium hand rolled Cigar and therefore require cutting or punching before they can be enjoyed!