A single cellophane wrapped hand rolled cigar
Blackbird Cigars Established in 2016 Blackbird are a newcomer to the industry but are quickly making a name for themselves with their world class tobaccos and cigar blends. Started by two brothers who grew up a few Kilometers from the so called capital of tobacco, Tamboril, and having a passion for the cigar industry they decided to set up their own brand and are going from strength to strength.
Blackbird Jackdaw Robusto The Blackbird Jackdaw is a mild to medium strength cigar taking expertly blended Corojo, USA and Dominican Republic Filler. Binded with Indonesian leaf wrapped up in a chocolate brown Connecticut wrapper. The resulting cigars are bursting with a complex array of intricate flavours and aromas. A slow, even burning cigar with hints of milk chocolate and black pepper with underlying salty butter and oak.
Preparation: Please note the Blackbird are a hand rolled Cigar and therefore require cutting before the cigar can be enjoyed.