< Cuban Cigars

Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars

Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars are renowned for their rich history and exceptional quality, making them a favourite among cigar aficionados worldwide. Established in 1865, this prestigious brand is known for its lush, aromatic blends that showcase the finest Cuban tobacco. Hand-rolled in the Vuelta Abajo region, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are crafted from a selection of high-quality leaves, resulting in a smooth and balanced smoking experience. These cigars are typically characterised by their medium-bodied strength, offering flavour notes of earth, cedar, and subtle sweetness. Iconic offerings such as the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 and the Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona exemplify the brand’s commitment to craftsmanship and consistency. With a legacy steeped in tradition, Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars provide a luxurious smoking experience, allowing enthusiasts to savour the true essence of Cuban tobacco artistry in every puff.