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Budget Pipes

Nothing beats a carefully crafted Briar pipe for providing a cool characterful smoke for many years. However some of us simply can't afford a quality briar pipe or are prone to breaking and loosing their pipes before the true value can be appreciated. Here at the UK Tobacco Specialist Tobacconist we recognise this and attempt to cater for every pipe smoker and their habits.

Here in our section for cheap smoking pipes at the lower end of the market we will try and provide the best pipes at the lower end of the market. The market for cheap pipes is dwindling and due to manufacturing costs are hard to find but we shall do our best for you.

Often we buy pipes in bulk and budget pipes are hard to find in multiples of the same shape, size and finish. Due to the low profit on these items it simply isn't worth our while taking a picture of individual pipes. If you want a pipe of around �10-£15 and have an idea of size or shape please ring us or make use of the product enquiry button on the left and we will find you something to closely fit your requirements. You never know we might even have a high end pipe that has been slightly damaged that we will let you have.